
Artist's hand painting a sea landscape picture in shades of blue
Drawing materials for designing a room's layout and floor plan
Design SixtyOne's very own bear, 'Bearyl', sewn from old fabrics by Ruth
A yellow pinstripe skirt made from an old jacket
A buttoned cushion in a natural colour made from previously used fabric.
Photo-realistic monochrome painting of a camera by artist Anna
A rail of handmade garments designed and sewn by Ruth from previously owned clothing
Calligraphy of the word 'Joy' written on a multicoloured watercolour background by artist Anna of Design 61
A colourful pile of cushions in handmade by Design SixtyOne
A quilted jacket with high collar, zip fastening and brightly coloured lining sewn by Ruth
A handmade pretty camisole top with red flowers and red buttons sewn from an old skirt
Large canvas with black paint line drawing of a bicycle and oil spill commissioned by a client of Design 61
A large canvas with calligraphy text filling the space in various shades of red, blue and yellow
A handmade smart green coat with flared skirt sewn by Ruth